Sabaton band albums
Sabaton band albums

When you're tired as hell, it's pitch black outisde, and the temperature stays below -25 degrees Celsius, you don't have to dig deep to find the evil within to make the song even more sinister. I personally think that we would not have been able to complete this album without the lessions learned during Primo Victoria recording and a sinister song like Rise Of Evil really benefited from being recorded under such circumstances. Nobody got killed and what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right? We had fun as hell though, even though our patience was wearing thin at times from lack of sleep and exhaustion. Songs like Back In Control was completed composition wise way past midnight one night, and Daniel had to lay down the drums the first thing in the morning, after only 40 minutes of reharsal and 3 hours or so of sleep. We were all very anxious about being able to create a worthy sucessor to Primo Victoria and that pushed us beyond what we thought was possible in terms of recording marathons and nighttime rehearsals. The deadline was set very tight, but our amazing engineer Tommy Tägtgren worked around the clock at times and somehow we managed to complete the album without making any compromises except sacrificing sleep in favor of rehearsing and recording. We had our first major european tour as a support for Edguy and Dragonforce coming up, which left us with about 3 weeks to record, mix and master the album, and on top of that, we had to rehearse for the tour simultaneously and teach a replacement keyboarder our songs, since Daniel couldn't get time off his work. "We started recording this album right after the New Year's celebrations in early 2006, and we really had to be quick. MY MEMORIES FROM THE RECORDING OF ATTERO DOMINATUS The album was re-released in 2010 on Nuclear Blast Records with three bonus tracks after the band signed a deal with them.The bandmembers quit their jobs after recording this album to fully focus on Sabaton.The only keyboard track actually played by Myhr on the album is for the In The Name Of God.Myhr's tape recorder for his synthesizer broke down during the recording session for the album, the keyboard parts had to be played by Joakim because Daniel couldn't get off his work to fix his equipment.The master tapes were finished just an hour before the band got to the airport for the tour.The album was recorded in a hurry, because of their upcoming first major european tour with Dragonforce and Edguy.Not every song (around 50%) from the Primo Victoria session was finished at the time of recording that album, so the band had to put extra focus to finish and polish the remaining compositions for this release.Initially, the band planned to release a double disc album as their debut, because they had so much written material from Primo Victoria session, but the band's then label Black Lodge Records, refused.The phrase "Attero Dominatus" comes from latin and means "destroy tyranny", which refers to the song of the same title about the capture of Berlin in 1945 and the fall of the Third Reich.The record has been lauded by fans and critics since its debut on worldwide charts last summer, and features numerous colossal singles like “Great War,” “82nd All The Way,” “The Red Baron” and “Fields of Verdun. SABATON’s latest album, The Great War, was released in 2019 and it hit the #1 in the charts in various countries including Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. However, we do have some good news, and that is, in a few days, we’re gonna go into the studio and record the next SABATON album.” Here we are on Christmas eve, and we just wanna take the chance to say thanks to all of you for being fantastic fans in tough times. The news of SABATON‘s recording plans was broken yesterday (December 24) in a Christmas video message from frontman Joakim Brodén and his bandmates. SABATON will enter the studio “in a few days” to begin recording their next album, which will mark follow-up to band’s The Great War, which came out in July 2019 via Nuclear Blast Records.

Sabaton band albums